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About the Property sale watchdog

Helping you find a genuine cash homebuyer

Companies we recommend have been featured in:

You want to sell your home fast and move on with your life.
We want to help you to do that, at the best price with the least hassle. That’s what the PSW is all about.

You can only achieve a successful sale and change your life if you understand all the pros and cons of the fast home sales industry.

Our aim is simple: we want to make sure that you have all the knowledge you need to make an informed choice when it comes to selling your home. Nothing more, nothing less.

What do we do?

Selling your home fast is a journey, and we are your guide. Like Bond’s Q or Luke Skywalker’s Yoda, we’ll give you all the tools you need to succeed on your home selling quest.

With our help, you can sell your home fast and achieve your ultimate goal of starting a new life free of whatever has been holding you back, whether that’s debt, personal problems or just that hard to sell home you’ve grown out of.

This might be your first cash home sale, but it certainly isn’t ours. By checking out our reviews and reading our articles, you can learn from all our experience and enter the market like a pro, with an expert team behind you to guide your every move.

Who are we?

Here at the Property Sale Watchdog, we’ve been working in the property industry for years, so we understand exactly how it works, and how it doesn’t. Our team have unrivalled experience helping people to buy and sell all kinds of homes, in all kinds of markets. 

The Property Sale Watchdog takes all of this experience and understanding and distils it into an easy to use website, so you can find everything you need to know, all in one place. 

We work for you, not the property buyers, and we always put your best interests at the forefront of everything we do. We may recommend the best cash homebuyers, based on objective analysis, but we’re not associated with any of them. We don’t buy homes, but we can put you in touch with the best companies that do, and help you avoid getting ripped off by the worst.

Our mission

We believe that cash homebuyers have an important role to play in the UK property market, helping all kinds of people in all kinds of situations. We also believe that whatever your situation, you should be able to find a cash buyer you can trust and not have to risk being ripped off.

Unfortunately, the cash homebuying sector is currently unregulated, which means that anyone can set up as a buyer, whether they are honest and open, or the exact opposite.

Here at the Property Sale Watchdog, we believe that more needs to be done to bring rogue operators into line, and we are pushing hard at the highest levels for more regulation and legislation, to create greater transparency and build consumer confidence in the service.

Until that happens, we will make it our mission to shine a light on the cash homebuying sector, promoting the good operators and exposing the bad ones.

There’s no commission, no legal fees and no hidden charges

If you sell a property via an estate agent or at an auction, you’ll have to pay a significant sum in fees and charges, often for very little input on their part. It can take thousands of pounds of the money you eventually get for your home.

You’ll also have to go through a ton of paperwork, form filling and red tape, including surveys and safety certificates, and often have to renegotiate several times along the way, losing money every time.

With a legitimate quick home buying company, there’s no commission to pay, and many buyers will pay your legal fees too, or at least make a significant contribution. Plus their service is fee-free, so the price you’re quoted is the price you’ll get, with no deductions.

How it works

Our independent researchers do exactly what you would do, if only you had the time, the patience and the experience to find out the truth about each and every cash home buying company. We know the positive signs that we want to see, and we also know the red flags to look out for.

You don’t have to spend time checking out each of these companies in great depth and detail, because we’ve done it for you. 

You can find all the know-how you need, quickly and easily, in our impartial, independent reviews, including key facts and figures about a wide range of cash home buyers, auction houses and estate agents.

What’s in it for you?

Knowledge is power. 

Knowledge can save you from months of heartache and thousands of wasted pounds, only to end up exactly where you started.

Knowledge can help you find an open and honest homebuyer, with a genuine offer, so you can get on with your life free of the hassle of selling your home.

Dodgy homebuyers work on the assumption that you don’t know what you’re doing, and they use this ignorance to trap you into crazy contracts, last-minute price drops and other shady practices.

When you’re armed with information from our independent, expert homebuyer reviews and comprehensive guides, you’ll be able to spot these practices a mile away and avoid them. 

What’s in it for us?

We launched our website because we were fed up with the poor reputation of the cash home buying industry.

We didn’t like how sellers like you were being ripped off, and we didn’t think it was fair that the home buying companies who were operating honestly were being dragged down by the rest.

To be completely transparent, when we recommend you to the best companies, they pay us a small commission. But rest assured, our recommendation is only ever based on their performance, not our commission.

This actually works in your favour, because if a cash homebuyer wants the Property Sale Watchdog’s recommendation, then they have to up their game and behave in an open, fair and reasonable way. There are plenty of companies who want our referrals, but only the very best will be recommended.

It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved – except for the dodgy homebuyers.